Thursday, January 7, 2010

Eyes Wide Open

Inspiration is all around you.
Recently I had to go into talk to my boss about an issue that was troubling. I had gone over the conversation in my mind. I looked at a few of my self help books. I even tried to get some advice from a friend. Nothing or no one seemed to have the right answer about to how I should treat this situation.
I wanted to make sure that I went into the meeting with the right frame of mind. I was little angry and upset about a conflict I had encounter on the job, but I didn't what to let my emotion rule the conversation. That's not a productive way to resolve and issue.
I ultimately just wanted to make things better and I didn't want to cloud the issue with my own selfish emotions. If I were at fault I wanted to acknowledge my part in the situation and improve my actions moving forward. That's a lot of corporate talk just to express that I just wanted to make it right.
But I really didn't know how to approach the conversation with my boss.
So, on the way her office, I saw a random co worker and friend.
So, I said to him,"If you could give me a word of the day that would inspire, what would that be?"
Naturally he said "are you serious?"
I said,"yes".
So, he wrote a word down on a piece of paper ripped it from his pad and handed it to me. I said thanks and walked away still worried about the coming conversation.
Right before I enter the office I opened the yellow scrap of paper.
It was one single word written in pencil,
As soon as I read the message all of the tension was gone. The anger was released and I knew exactly how to approach the situation.
The meeting went well and I walked out feeling better about my work world.
I'm not telling you to go to all of your co workers or friends and ask for a piece of paper to depict your future action.
But I am saying this... inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes.
And it can come from the strangest of places.
So, keep your eyes open and ready to receive.

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