Some days are tougher that others, but you can not only make it through it.
There are ways to turn tough into triumph.
The problem is of the mind.
Stealing a line from Sam Shepard.. It could be "a lie of the mind". Every time something that may seem challenging happens, I automatically think the way I look has something to do with the way I am treated. It can be as simple as a dis concerning look from a pretty girl or a uncomfortable look at my hand before shaking it.
You take all of those little things and they start to add up to a "why me day".
But the truth of matter may be different.
The truth is maybe people actually look at some one's hand before they reach, to know where the hands will meet and the shaking will take place.
And maybe the girl is tired and her look was one of a girl who is looked at by men all day... no matter what the men look like.
The truth is there could be a multitude of reason, but most time we chose the reason that makes us feel bad about ourselves.
Bad Choice!!!
Fight for your positivity.
And even more important... read this carefully.
It doesn't matter what other people think.
And these people or negative vibes may come from people that are close to you. Love them but don't let there words go to a negative place.
The world is all of ours and no matter what you or I look like. We all have the right to be out in public and enjoy all of the gifts this life has to offer.
The truth is don't worry about the looks or the stares.
Don't make up reasons for other peoples actions... especially reason that give you a negative view of self. The more time you allow this to happen, the more ammo you give yourself for self pity, depression and isolation.
There is love.
There is fun.
There is life.
And no matter how rude or abrasive, kind or loving others are it's up to you to interpret it and delete or enjoy the interaction.
Build your solid self image based on all the good things you are rather than gather fuel for self destruction.
This sort of self 'mind manipulation' is just another battle in the internal war.
And you must fight these battles everyday to win your full and happy life.
Live on my people... LIVE ON!!!!!!
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