Anyway, when I lived there I had chronic fatigue and a nagging back pain that could become piercing. I knew that was my body saying something was wrong. So, I listened. I started changing my life, but the back pain never went away. I went to several doctors and chiropractors only to finally end up at an internal medicine specialist. After requesting a colon exam, I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. I saw the video of my colon. Wow!
The diagnosis was the answer I needed. There is always an answer in books. It took me a while but I found and followed the right one. It was a book from a man that had the disease and conquer it. It was called,"Patience Heal Thyself". Which eventually became,"The Makers Diet". It took about four years but I am free of Crohn's.
Now, the entire time I have had another disease called vitiligo, but while the Crohn's was going this one was gotten worse. But I never stopped looking for the book or remedy that would fix it. And I have come across a few, but not a book. So, I began to gather my research. Hopefully this can become the guide for people with vitiligo.
I am going to detail all of the things that I am doing to cure myself, much like what I did with the Maker's Diet. I will use supplements and non traditional treatment to achieve my goals. I am very hopeful and positive that something will happen. I believe I will reach my goal of a cure. But I will blog no matter what.
I will tell you the things that I did to change my life.
First I did my best to eliminate stress.
Second I drastically changed my diet.
Then I researched with the help of health professionals the problems that could be causing this disease. And the foods, supplements and vitamins that have been proven to help.
I narrowed all of these things down to a specific diet/supplement regiment that I am trying now.
I will detail this process more through out the year.
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